Use the VOLP
The VOLP consists of a baseline questionnaire, which assesses a number of aspects of an individual's workplace (if they are in some paid work) and their unpaid work, and a follow-up questionnaire which assesses the productivity losses in the previous period of time.
There are long and short versions of the VOLP. The long version is a comprehensive questionnaire that includes components of absenteeism, presenteeism, unpaid work, routine work hours, job and work characteristics. The baseline long version includes 26 questions and the follow-up questionnaire includes 13 questions. Please note that depending on employment status, questions can be skipped and thus the actual number of questions a respondent needs to answer is typically much smaller.
The short version of the VOLP for multipliers only includes the key questions on job and workplace characteristics that enable the calculation of a valuation multiplier. The baseline short version includes 15 questions and the follow-up includes 6 questions. This can be used alongside the VOLP outcome questionnaires which capture absenteeism, presenteeism, unpaid work, routine work hours or other similar questionnaires. For example the short VOLP for multipliers could be used alongside the WPAI (1 page), HLQ, PRODISQ.
If you would like to use the VOLP, check it is available in a language you desire here, and contact us.